Where Residence Elba

Veduta aerea del Elba Residence Isola d' Elba Foto

The Residence Elba is located in the municipality of Capoliveri, in the locality of Naregno, a few meters from the beach of the same name.

How to reach us

From Portoferraio we follow the signs for Porto Azzurro / Capoliveri. After about 6 km we arrive at the crossroads (with traffic lights) for Capoliveri, we follow this road and after 200 meters and turn left, for Naregno (2 km) and we find the Residence Elba.

Veduta aerea del Elba Residence Isola d' Elba Foto

A practical path connects the Residence Elba to the road below, which arrives at the beach of Naregno.

Elba Residence Isola d' Elba

GPS Position Elba Residence:

N 42.7560958   E 10.3967947

Tel. 0565/ 968548 – 95132 – 95076 Fax 0565/957797